This project contains Dockerfile that creates a base image to run Spring Boot applications.

This is not an official Google product.

How to use this image

Groovy Applications

Create a Dockerfile in your project directory:

FROM matheustardivo/spring-boot:1.3.0-jdk-8-groovy-2.4.5

You can then build and run the image:

docker build -t myapp
docker run -ti myapp

You'll notice that everytime the container starts, it will resolve all the dependencies. To avoid this, you can also pre-compile your Groovy application using the onbuild image.

In the Dockerfile, use:

FROM matheustardivo/spring-boot:1.3.0-jdk-8-groovy-2.4.5-onbuild

You can then build and run the image just like the previous method:

docker build -t myapp
docker run -ti myapp


You can find examples under the Examples directory.