
A simple delegate based GeoJSON parser for iOS with some useful tools.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


A simple delegate based objective-C GeoJSON parser with some useful tools. GeoParse acts as a layer over NSJSONSerialization to get the root JSON object, which is then parsed into it's corresponding GeoJSON type, in strict accordance with the GeoJSON format specification


  • Link the CoreLocation and MapKit framework to your project. (Used for data types.)
  • Import GSNParser.h and set an object to adhere to GSNParserDelegate protocol.
  • Create a GSNParser object and set it's delegate.
  • Implement -didParseGeoJSONObject:
    if ([object isKindOfClass:[GSNFeatureCollection class]]) {
        GSNFeatureCollection *collection = (GSNFeatureCollection *)object;
        for (GSNFeature *feature in collection.featureObjects) {

Notes and Extras##

GeoJSON formats for

  • Bounding Boxes: [ low (longitude), low (latitude), high (longitude), high (latitude) ]
  • Coordinates: ( longitude, latitude )

GeoParse contains a very useful category on NSArray(NSArray+Coordinate2D).

  • It allows for easy conversions to CLLocationCoordinate2D, from an NSArray of coordinates parsed from NSJSONSerialization.
  • If the NSArray is a bbox as specified above, you can find it's center, as well as check if it contains a point.

GeoParse allows conversion of geometry objects(only Points, LineStrings, Polygons and MultiPolygons for now) to their corresponding MKOverlay types, by calling the -shapeForMapKit method on them. GSNFeature now conforms to the MKAnnotation protocol and can be simply dropped onto a MKMapView.

##License## See included LICENSE file.