
Pytorch implementation for R-Dropout

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo is a Pytorch implementation for R-Dropout which is proposed in the following paper.

  title={R-Drop: Regularized Dropout for Neural Networks},
  author={Liang, Xiaobo* and Wu, Lijun* and Li, Juntao and Wang, Yue and Meng, Qi and Qin, Tao and Chen, Wei and Zhang, Min and Liu, Tie-Yan},

Before you run my .ipynb file via Jupyter notebook, please take a look at the outputs when I ran the code. Then you can run the code and compare the results you get with mine. They are supposed to be similar.

I implemented R-Dropout just for fun and I did not explore this idea too much. This code is run on FashionMnist dataset for 10 epochs using MLP. My observation is that R-Dropout helps improve the model's performance to some extent.

The official code for R-Dropout is available at https://github.com/dropreg/R-Drop. The official code is large. My code is simple and straightforward, and also is consistent with the original paper. In my opinion, if you want to apply the idea of R-Dropout to your work, you can just modify my code to save time. The backbone of my code is as follows. You can move this code to your work directly.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

log_softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=-1)
kl_loss_fn = nn.KLDivLoss(reduction="sum", log_target=True)
nll_loss_fn = nn.NLLLoss()
def r_dropout_loss(model, data, y, alpha=0.05): 
    # alpha is the regularization coefficient. It should be not too large.
    batch_size = data.size(0)
    data = torch.cat([data,data], dim=0)
    pred = model(data)
    log_probs = log_softmax(pred)
    log_probs1, log_probs2 = log_probs[:batch_size, :], log_probs[batch_size:, :]
    nll_loss = 0.5*( nll_loss_fn(log_probs1, y) + nll_loss_fn(log_probs2, y) ) # (nll_loss1+nll_loss_2)/2
    kl_loss = 0.5*( kl_loss_fn(log_probs1, log_probs2) + kl_loss_fn(log_probs2, log_probs1) ) # (KL(p||q)+KL(q||p))/2
    loss = nll_loss + alpha*kl_loss
    return loss