- 26
#38 opened by smokeytube - 0
very scare
#58 opened by bruhnugget-nice - 4
Bython mascot
#56 opened by miguelrochajr - 2
- 0
The py2by remove ":" in type hint
#57 opened by Willie169 - 6
Multiline lambdas?
#26 opened by lukefisklennon - 2
C-style Type Declaration
#51 opened by Willie169 - 7
IDE integration
#53 opened by intercepted16 - 9
- 1
#48 opened by lauralex - 1
Bython should be written with Bython
#54 opened by jblezoray - 2
bython vcode
#49 opened by nidaltiti - 4
Bython for VSCode/PyCharm?
#32 opened by DonaldTsang - 0
Suggestion: parentheses
#50 opened by EbbeWertzStudentUH - 4
Bython modifies braces within strings.
#30 opened by stormfish-sci - 5
Also get rid of forced newlines?
#34 opened by d33tah - 1
Add -r that works like python -c, for one-liners
#33 opened by d33tah - 15
Convert || to or and && to and
#42 opened by barrycarter - 2
How can we use 'bython' with Jupyter-notebooks?
#11 opened by habibrk - 0
Allow contributions?
#47 opened by DevolvingSpud - 7
How to use on Windows?
#22 opened by FireController1847 - 1
Set initializers should work for bython
#45 opened by kjsingh - 2
- 1
Consider parsing tokenized version of code
#43 opened by barrycarter - 4
Dict fails
#36 opened by ole-tange - 1
Consider support curly brace dicts.
#27 opened by abalter - 3
by2py Bug: Removes every colon
#37 opened by kkevlar - 0
Merge pull requests?
#41 opened by JorgeCepeda - 1
- 0
Any tmLanguage grammar available for bython?
#39 opened by Markos-Th09 - 3
Import transpilation?
#15 opened by stevefan1999-personal - 5
#18 opened by oleorhagen - 1
#29 opened by numberisnan - 0
- 5
Curly brackets
#24 opened by marqroldan - 1
Collaborate with PyBrace
#20 opened by ole-tange - 4
error when trying to install
#12 opened - 1
Windows install?
#25 opened by BranchieManchie - 1
Mixed mode
#21 opened by ole-tange - 1
Dictionaries no longer work.
#23 opened by tr0yspradling - 7
Formatting Bython code?
#19 opened by markus-wa - 3
- 0
#16 opened by iridiumblue - 0
- 2
alias "bython -c" to "by2py"
#13 opened by alkorang - 1
- 1
Allow mixing with indented code
#5 opened by ole-tange - 1
Converter from indented code to braced
#6 opened by ole-tange - 1
Man page missing
#4 opened by ole-tange - 0
Security: Unquoted strings
#7 opened by ole-tange