Roll20 macros

Goal: make it less painful to work with Roll 20 macros

Relevant links / docs

Roll20 macros

Macros and roll templates

Dice rolls

Rolls and character sheets

Tip: pressing up-arrow in the chat window will show the latest macro used, if any.

Examples: Dungeon World

Dungeon World Move Template





Unresolved macro

&{template:move} {{charname=@{selected|character_name}}} {{movename=Scout Ahead}} {{trigger=When you take point and look for anything out of the ordinary, roll + WIS}}  {{success=Choose 2}} {{partial=Choose 1}} {{miss=}} {{doroll=[[2d6]]}} {{result=[[@{selected|rolltype} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}[wisdom] + ?{Bonus|0}[bonus] + (@{selected|rollforward})[forward] + @{selected|global_ongoing}[ongoing global]]]}} {{details=• You get the drop on whatever lies ahead
• You discern a beneficial aspect of the terrain - shortcut, shelter, or tactical advantage (describe it)
• You make a **Discovery** (ask the GM)
• You notice sign of a nearby **Danger** - ask the GM what it is, and what it might signify}}

"Resolved" macro:

&{template:move} {{charname=@{selected|character_name}}} {{movename=Scout Ahead}} {{trigger=When you take point and look for anything out of the ordinary, roll + WIS}}  {{success=Choose 2}} {{partial=Choose 1}} {{miss=}} {{doroll=[[2d6]]}} {{result=[[@{selected|rolltype} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}[wisdom] + ?{Bonus|0}[bonus] + (@{selected|rollforward})[forward] + @{selected|global_ongoing}[ongoing global]]]}} {{details=• You get the drop on whatever lies ahead
• You discern a beneficial aspect of the terrain - shortcut, shelter, or tactical advantage (describe it)
• You make a **Discovery** (ask the GM)
• You notice sign of a nearby **Danger** - ask the GM what it is, and what it might signify}}