Quickly interact with your database by loading tables to the class EZAlchemy which also comes with some helpfull methods for inserting and deleting rows a safe way.
$ pip install ezalchemy
from ezalchemy import EZAlchemy
DB = EZAlchemy(
d_n_d='mysql' # stands for dialect+driver
# This function loads all tables in the database to the class instance DB
# Or just load tables that you need to use, suppose your table is named "cars"
# insert elements a safe way
car = DB.insert(DB.cars, brand='Audi', year=2009, color='green')
# query all cars
all_cars = DB.session.query(DB.cars).all()
# query certain columns (use class attributes for columns)
result = DB.session.query(DB.cars).filter(DB.cars.color == 'green')
print([r.brand for r in result])
# same query as above (using string for table columns)
DB.session.query(DB.cars).filter(getattr((DB.cars), 'color') == 'green')
print([r.brand for r in result])
# change some attributes
green_car = DB.session.query(DB.cars).filter(DB.cars.color == 'green').first()
green_car.color = 'blue'
blue_car = DB.merge(green_car)
assert blue_car == DB.session.query(DB.cars).filter(DB.cars.color == 'blue').first()
# delete some elements
result = DB.session.query(DB.cars).filter(DB.cars.year < 1980)
DB.delete(result) # will delete all rows of cars older than 1980
# delete individual element
new_car = DB.insert(DB.cars, brand='VW', year=2016, color='red')
# We can also use the "engine" to do raw SQL queries
rows = DB.engine.execute('SELECT * from cars')
for row in rows:
print(row[0], row[1])
Clone the repository, install dependencies and run the tests:
$ git clone https://github.com/mathiasbc/EZAlchemy.git
$ cd EZAlchemy
$ pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
$ py.test
Feel free to make pull requests with any features that you would like to see or bug fixes.