
An aggregation of tooling for ES6

MIT LicenseMIT

ECMAScript 6 Tools


  • Traceur compiler - ES6 features > ES5/3. Includes classes, generators, promises, destructuring patterns, default parameters & more.
  • es6ify - Traceur compiler wrapped as a Browserify v2 transform
  • es6-transpiler - ES6 > ES5. Includes classes, destructuring, default parameters, spread
  • Square's es6-module-transpiler - ES6 modules to AMD or CJS
  • Square's esnext - next generation JavaScript to today's JavaScript transformer
  • es6now - ES6 to ES5 compiler and ES6 runtime environment
  • Facebook's regenerator - transform ES6 yield/generator functions to ES5
  • Facebook's jstransform - A simple utility for pluggable JS syntax transforms. Comes with a small set of ES6 -> ES5 transforms
  • defs - ES6 block-scoped const and let variables to ES3 vars
  • es6_module_transpiler-rails - ES6 Modules in the Rails Asset Pipeline
  • Some Sweet.js macros that compile from ES6 to ES5
  • Bitovi's transpile - Converts ES6 to AMD, CJS, and StealJS.

Build-time transpilation

Grunt Tasks

Gulp Plugins

Broccoli Plugins

Module Loaders

  • ES6 Module Loader polyfill (compat with latest spec and Traceur)
  • js-loaders - Mozilla's spec-compliant loader prototype
  • JSPM - ES6, AMD, CJS module loading/package management
  • Module Loader for webpack
  • beck.js - toolkit for ES6 Module Loader pipelines, shim for legacy environments


  • es6-boilerplate - Tooling to allow the community to use es6 now via traceur in conjunction with amd and browser global modules, with source maps, concatenation, minification, compression, and unit testing in real browsers.

Code generation



