
Nginx reverse proxy to when you have multiple other http/https applications running in your machine

Primary LanguageNginx


The intention of this container is to provide rever proxy to the multiple other containers/services you might have running in your machine.

Using this proxy you can access them all via default ports 80 and 443

adding your sites

just add a new file into nginx/sites-enabled and save the file with the .conf extension. There is a template file there that can be used as a starting point. All files created there are gitingored


./up to start the container ./down to stop the container ./bash to run bash on the container

is it working?

http://localhost should show docker_reverse_proxy worked


This repo is shipped with a fake ssl certificate with a expiration date in 1000 years. I hope somebody submit a PR to improve it before it expires.


The folder local folder logs/nginx is a mount to /var/log/nginx in the container. All logs should be there, as long as your .conf file point the logs to /var/log/nginx/yourdomain.com.log