
Laravel Log Keeper helps rotating your logs while storing them anywhere you want with custom local/remote retention policies

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Log Keeper

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Laravel Log Keeper helps rotating your logs while storing them anywhere you want with custom local/remote retention policies.

A typical usage of Laravel Log Keeper would be to set a cron job to run daily and store local logs in a S3 bucket, (s)ftp, Dropbox or any other FileSystem driver

You can define a local and/or a remote retention, which by default is 7 and 30 days subsequently.

  • Local files older than 7 days will be compressed using bzip2 and uploaded to the remote disk
  • Remote files older than 30 days will be permanently deleted from the remote disk


  • Have full control of where/when/how you archive you logs
  • Prevent your server from running out of space
  • Custom retention policies for Local and Remote archiving


Laravel Log Keeper is available via Composer:

    "require": {
        "mathiasgrimm/laravel-log-keeper": "1.*"



Register Service Provider

// config/app.php

'providers' => [

Register the cron job

// app/Console/Kernel.php

protected $commands = [


protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

Log Format

To use Laravel Log Keeper your log files have to be in the daily format, which is defined in your config/app.php

    'log' => 'daily',


You can override the following variables placing them in your .env


# .env

LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_REMOTE_PATH           = "myproject1-prod-01"


    // laravel-log-keeper.php

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Enable or Disable the Laravel Log Keeper.
    // If it is set to false, no operations will be performed and it will be logged
    // if the logs are enabled
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'enabled' => env('LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_ENABLED', true),

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Enable or Disable the Laravel Log Keeper for remote operations.
    // if it is set to false, the local files older than the local retention will be
    // delete without being uploaded to the remote disk
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'enabled_remote' => env('LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_ENABLED_REMOTE', true),

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Where in the remote location it will be stored. You can leave it blank
    // or specify a custom folder like proj1-prod or proj1-integ so that you could
    // use the same s3 bucket for storing the logs in different environments
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'remote_path' => rtrim(env('LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_REMOTE_PATH'), '/'),

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // How many days a file will be kept on the local disk before
    // being uploaded to the remote disk.
    // Default is 7 days.
    // Local files with more than 7 days will be compressed using bzip2 and uploaded
    // to the remote disk. They will also be deleted from the local disk after being
    // uploaded
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'localRetentionDays' => env('LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_LOCAL_RETENTION_DAYS', 7),

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // How many days a file will be kept on the remote for.
    // The days here means days after the local retention. So 30 would actually
    // 30 + 7 = 37
    // Only files older than 37 days would be deleted from the remote disk
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'remoteRetentionDays' => env('LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_REMOTE_RETENTION_DAYS', 30),

    'remoteRetentionDaysCalculated' =>

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Which config/filesystems.php disk will be used for remote disk.
    // This would be typically a AWS S3 Disk, (s)ftp, Dropbox or any other configured
    // disk that will store the old logs
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'remote_disk' => env('LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_REMOTE_DISK'),

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Define whether Laravel Log Keeper will log actions or not.
    // The log will be stored in the logs folders with name
    // laravel-log-keeper-{yyyy-mm-dd}.log
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    'log' => env('LARAVEL_LOG_KEEPER_LOG', true)


If you discover any security related issues, please email mathiasgrimm@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
