

Primary LanguageProcessing


Meta Szenario - I don't like running in the dark

The most important building blocks of information

/ unit chance of category
sunset time - -
sunrise time - -
precipitation mm % strong/medium/light
temperature C°/F° - -
wind m/s - direction

Where does the data come from?

The data comes from any kind of weather api for example:



Main target group?

Runners who don't like to run in the dark


Define your personal comfort zone and how long you usally run:

temperature, windspeed, precipitaion. / xx minutes

the weatherapp is conected with the calender of the user's phone. The app tells the user when he should start his run at the latest without getting into darkness (with regard to his comfort zone). if there is no opportunity to run because the user has meetings until after sunset the app informs the user about the next opportnunity to run, for example the next morning after sunrise, as there are no meetings schedueled.