
MWV Tasks (MWV-T) taxonomy

Primary LanguageHTML

The MWV-T taxonomy

HTML documentation and raw ontology per serialisation

The most recent version of MWV-T is always available in this Github repository

Introduction to MWV-T

The MWV tasks (MWV-T) taxonomy contains OWL classes to classify construction reparation tasks. The taxonomy is manually created based on existing PDF reports of Monumentenwacht regarding damage inspections. In its current state, it contains preventive and curative repair tasks regarding timber damage [1] and damage caused by insects [2]. The main taxonomy is structured using RDFS subsumption axioms.

Contributing to MWV-T

This taxonomy is manually created based on the Monumentenwacht information reports. Errors while processing information from the reports can be reported through Github issues.


Mathias Bonduel - KU Leuven


[1] Schoeters, E., Heerwegh, L., & van Laar, B. (2005). Biologische aantastingen in hout. Retrieved from https://www.monumentenwacht.be/files/brochure_aantastinghout.pdf

[2] Deknopper, A. (2010). Dieren in en op Gebouwen: Insecten. Retrieved from https://www.monumentenwacht.be/files/brochure_insecten.pdf