
JavaScript library that handles API requests to DSP / Knora API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

DSP-JS-LIB — A library to easily connect to DSP-API (Knora)

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Purpose of DSP-JS-LIB

The purpose of DSP-JS-LIB is to facilitate the communication with DSP-API in web clients developed with TypeScript/JavaScript. DSP-JS-LIB depends on RxJS and is web framework agnostic (it can be used with Angular, React, Vue.js etc.).

DSP-JS-LIB offers the following features:

  • handling of HTTP calls to connect to DSP-API
  • (de)serialisation from and to JSON-LD so the web client can work with classes instead
  • methods that combine different HTTP calls to DSP-API into one method call
  • caching for different types of data so fewer HTTP calls to DSP-API have to be performed

Basic Structure of DSP-JS-LIB

DSP-JS-LIB's architecture is based on endpoints that correspond to DSP-API's endpoints.

The following main endpoints are available through DSP-JS-LIB:

  • admin (AdminEndpoint): getting and modifying users, projects, permissions etc.
  • v2 (V2Endpoint): requesting and modifying resources and values using DSP-API version 2.
  • system (SystemEndpoint): DSP-API's health status.

Each of these main endpoints offers endpoints for specific operations.


  • admin.usersEndpoint (UsersEndpointAdmin): offers methods to administer users.
  • admin.groupsEndpoint (GroupsEndpointAdmin): offers methods to administer groups.
  • admin.projectsEndpoint (ProjectsEndpointAdmin): offers methods to administer projects.
  • admin.permissionsEndpoint (PermissionsEndpointAdmin): offers methods to administer permissions.
  • admin.listsEndpoint (ListsEndpointAdmin): offers methods to administer lists.


  • v2.auth (AuthenticationEndpointV2): offers methods to authenticate.
  • v2.onto (OntologiesEndpointV2): offers methods to get ontology information.
  • v2.res (ResourcesEndpointV2): offers methods to work with resources.
  • v2.values (ValuesEndpointV2): offers methods to work with values.
  • v2.list (ListsEndpointV2): offers methods to retrieve list nodes and lists.
  • v2.search (SearchEndpointV2): offers methods to search.
  • v2.metadata (ProjectMetadataEndpointV2): offers methods to work with project metadata.


  • system.healthEndpoint (HealthEndpointSystem): offers methods to get DSP-API's status.

Consult the API docs for more details about the available endpoints. For each main endpoint, you'll find a category in the API docs:

  • admin: Endpoint Admin Classes
  • v2: Endpoint V2 Classes
  • system: Endpoint System Classes

You can also use the full text search to search for an endpoint's class name within the API docs, e.g., ResourcesEndpointV2. See section Getting started for more usage information.

See design documentation for a detailed description of DSP-JS-LIB's design and architecture.

RxJS Observables

DSP-JS-LIB's endpoints return observables to the client. An Observable represents the result of an asynchronous request to DSP-API that will either succeed or fail. An Observable is an RxJS construct that the client can subscribe to.

Getting started

Install DSP-JS-LIB

Run npm install @dasch-swiss/dsp-js --save to install DSP-JS-LIB in your npm project.

Dependencies and Peer Dependencies

DSP-JS-LIB depends on jsonld and json2typescript. These dependencies will be installed when you run npm install in your project.

RxJS is a peer dependency of this library and is not installed when running npm install. Note that DSP-JS-LIB requires major version 6 of rxjs.

Make sure that the framework you are using, e.g., Angular, requires major version 6 of RxJS to ensure the peer dependency will be met. Otherwise, install it with npm install rxjs@6.x --save.

Start Using DSP-JS-LIB

In order to get started using DSP-JS-LIB, you have to create a KnoraApiConfig instance and pass it to KnoraApiConnection's constructor:

// import from DSP-JS-LIB
import { KnoraApiConfig, KnoraApiConnection } from "@dasch-swiss/dsp-js";

// create the configuration
const config: KnoraApiConfig = new KnoraApiConfig("https", "api.dasch.swiss");

// create a connection instance
const knoraApiConnection: KnoraApiConnection = new KnoraApiConnection(config);

Once you have set up the connection instance, you can use any of DSP-JS-LIB's endpoints to perform requests to DSP-API:

// formal example

// admin users endpoint example, see UsersEndpointAdmin in API docs

// v2 search endpoint example, see SearchEndpointV2 in API docs

// system health endpoint example, see HealthEndpointSystem in API docs

In the following full example, we are requesting a resource from DSP-API:

// request a resource using the resources endpoint from v2
  (resource: ReadResource) => {
    // "resource" represents a resource retrieved from DSP-API
  (error) => {
    // if, for some reason, the request failed

For more information about available endpoints and methods, consult the API docs.

Release Notes

For the release notes see GitHub releases.

Developing DSP-JS-LIB

See contribution guidelines.