
Local install

Run the following command to install the project for the first time.

make up
# Once the containers have finished being initialized, you will see the following line "MySQL init process done. Ready for start up."
# Then open another terminal and run the following command to install the vendors.
make install
# Enter your user password to run the sudo commands require to set the missing directory/permissions

When you see "Install complete!" on the prompt from the terminal where you run the make install, go to http://localhost/ to see the project running.

Each request to http://localhost/ will generate an xdebug profile of the HomeController on the docker/xdebug_profile directory.

Don't forget to fix the owning permissions of the profile before running kcachegrind with the following command :

sudo chown {username}:{username} docker/xdebug_profile/cachegrind.out._*

Run the project if already install

Simply run make up you don't need to redo the install command.

symfony-docker stack based on https://github.com/smartbooster/symfony-docker