
The Advent of Javascript 2021: FrontEnd Integration in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Advent of Javascript 2022


A collection of daily integrations from the Advent of JS challenge



01: Pomodoro App


A simple pomodoro App

User stories

  • I can start the timer by clicking on the start link/button.
  • I can start and stop the timer on the same button.
  • I can set the timer by clicking on the gear icon.
  • I can see the end of the timer: the ring change from green to red and an alert message is passed.


  • I can figure the time elapsed through the light surrounding the counter

Useful ressources

CSS countdown animation

02: eCommerce Component


A list of items and a cart associated

User stories

  • I can see a list of plates and add them to my cart.
  • I can see a message "Your cart is empty." when it is.
  • I can see the total and subtotal automatically update when I add a plate in my cart.
  • I can increase and decrease the quantity of the products in my cart.
  • I can never obtain a negative quantity of items.
  • I can remove a product from the cart.
  • I can see the taxed price (based on the state of Tennessee sales tax: 0.0975)

03: Piano


A piano playing various sounds by clicking on the keys.

User stories

  • I can see the keyboard centered on the page
  • I can see a color change when I hover over a specific key (white becomes yellow and black pink)
  • I can hear an audio clip when I click on a specific key
  • I can hear 2 sounds simultaneaously if I rapidly click on two separate keys

04: Keyboard


A simple game aiming to press from your keyboard the keys highlighted on screen

User stories

  • I can see the computer keyboard centered on the page
  • I can see a random letter jiggling
  • I can press a key and it appear on screen
  • I can press the same key as the one jiggling and a new random key will jiggle

Useful ressources

Global Keyboard Event in React

05: Podcasts


Check multiple checkboxes at one time.

User stories

  • I can see the list of podcast episodes
  • I can check one episode, and shift-click to select/unselect all the episodes in between

06: Slidebar


A simple Range Slider that updates a price

User stories

  • I can move the knob on the range and the dollar amount above updates itself.

07: Tip Calculator


A simple way to split a bill including tips

User stories

  • I can fill the bill amount and number of people
  • I can select the tip percentage
  • I can see the total amount of tips and due amount per person

08: Meteo


User stories

  • I can move the knob on the range and the dollar amount above updates itself.

Useful ressources

Get geolocalisation

Meteo API

09: Caroussel


An Image Carousel

User stories

  • I can toggle left and right through the image thumbnails
  • I can click on an image to select it manually

Future Improvement

Infinite scrolling

10: Password Verifier


A simple Password form.

User stories

  • I can ype in a digit and get automatically taken to the next input
  • I can paste in a 4 digit code

Future Improvements

  • Fix delete
  • Fix rewrite

11: Collapsing sections


Collapsing sections

User stories

  • I can click on a collapsed question to expand it and view the answer.
  • I can click on a collapsed answer to collapse it and hide the answer.

14: Calendar


A Calendar Viewer

User stories

  • I can view calendar with correct days, the current day highlighted
  • I can navigate through different months

15: Youtube Gallerie


A YouTube Video Gallery

User stories

  • I can view title, description, and embed of featured video from the channel
  • I can view gallery of title and thumbnails for other videos

To be fixed

CORS from embeded video: src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/M7lc1UVf-VE?enablejsapi=1&origin=http://example.com"