
AWS Lambda Layer for PDAL

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PDAL Lambda Layer for AWS

In December 2018, AWS released Lambda Layers, which allow you to stack together software runtime layers with AWS Lambda functions. Layers relax the requirements that single Lambda functions must be less than 50mb, and now allow you to stack up to five layers at 50mb each, and these layers can be composed with versioning and other AWS management facilities that you would expect to use.

This repository borrows concepts from Development Seed's GeoLambda project, but it simplifies the effort to a few things:

  1. Build a Docker container based on https://github.com/lambci/lambci for PDAL and its dependencies
  2. Construct a .zip file package of the binaries and .so libraries needed to run PDAL and GDAL as a Lambda Layer
  3. Provide a script to create a public PDAL Lambda Layer using the package


  1. Build the Package. It's going to run docker and do a bunch of stuff. At the end when it is successful, you should have a lambda-deploy.zip file in your directory.

    $ ./build.sh
  2. Set your AWS_PROFILE and AWS_REGION variables:

    $ export AWS_PROFILE=hobu
    $ export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
  3. Execute the create-lambda-layer.sh bash script. It requires the jq command in your path.

    $ ./create-lambda-layer.sh
    Published version 6 for Lambda layer pdal
    Setting execution access to public for version 6 for Lambda layer pdal
    Layer pdal is available at 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:163178234892:layer:pdal'