a small to that can read json object arrays from file or stdin and display an ascii table
$ json_table -h
json_table 0.1.0
Display array of json objects as an ascii table
json_table [OPTIONS] [source]
<source> optional source to operate on. if none provided, will read from stdin
-c, --columns <VALUE> the columns to display separated by a colon. if none provided, all
columns will be displayed
-h, --help Print help information
--order <VALUE> the sorting order. Default is asc
--page <VALUE> the page to display
--pagesize <VALUE> the page size to display
-s, --skip <VALUE> the number of lines to skip. if none provided, all lines will be
--sort <VALUE> the column name to sort
-t, --take <VALUE> the number of lines to display. if none provided, all lines will be
-V, --version Print version information
cargo install --git https://github.com/mathieuancelin/json_table
$ curl -s 'http://otoroshi-api.oto.tools:9999/metrics?filter=ng-report-*' | json_table -c name,mean,min,max,count --sort mean --order desc
| index | name | mean | min | max | count |
| 1 | ng-report-request-duration | 165.12603199999998 | 12.115439 | 460.014802 | 39452 |
| 2 | ng-report-request-step-call-backend | 118.235168 | 0.942967 | 273.538212 | 39452 |
| 3 | ng-report-request-overhead | 47.75387 | 5.04931 | 180.96672 | 39452 |
| 4 | ng-report-request-overhead-in | 43.918779 | 4.732781 | 186.431854 | 39452 |
| 5 | ng-report-request-step-call-access-validator-plugins | 30.127858999999997 | 2.436566 | 197.399682 | 39452 |
| 6 | ng-report-call-access-validator-plugins-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.JwtVerification | 12.492072 | 0.998149 | 260.653227 | 39452 |
| 7 | ng-report-call-access-validator-plugins-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.ApikeyCalls | 10.712524 | 0.049188 | 63.678532999999995 | 39452 |
| 8 | ng-report-call-access-validator-plugins-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.JwtVerification-single | 6.61679097201295 | 0.056068 | 28.732246999999997 | 78944 |
| 9 | ng-report-request-step-transform-request | 6.611635 | 1.115306 | 123.350454 | 39452 |
| 10 | ng-report-call-access-validator-plugins-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.JwtVerification-internal | 4.669449185755201 | 0.052617 | 36.072743 | 78944 |
| 11 | ng-report-request-overhead-out | 3.835091 | 0.554808 | 87.824164 | 39452 |
| 12 | ng-report-request-step-find-route | 3.4696059999999997 | 0.059424 | 3.4696059999999997 | 39452 |
| 13 | ng-report-request-step-trigger-analytics | 1.97338 | 0.036871 | 37.051496 | 39451 |
| 14 | ng-report-request-step-check-concurrent-requests | 1.884284 | 0.052281999999999995 | 4.900872 | 39452 |
| 15 | ng-report-request-step-transform-response | 1.824724 | 0.489488 | 81.923721 | 39451 |
| 16 | ng-report-call-access-validator-plugins-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.wrappers.AccessValidatorWrapper | 0.785327 | 0.020708 | 34.553377999999995 | 39452 |
| 17 | ng-report-transform-request-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.MissingHeadersIn | 0.7741589999999999 | 0.046968 | 26.870775 | 39452 |
| 18 | ng-report-transform-request-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.JwtVerification | 0.663763 | 0.002949 | 0.663763 | 39452 |
| 19 | ng-report-request-step-start-handling | 0.659095 | 0.01274 | 14.214104 | 39452 |
| 20 | ng-report-request-step-enforce-global-limits | 0.185031 | 0.027875 | 21.245679 | 39452 |
| 21 | ng-report-request-step-compute-plugins | 0.049412 | 0.015989 | 5.365940999999999 | 39452 |
| 22 | ng-report-request-step-choose-backend | 0.047708999999999994 | 0.018525 | 35.643927 | 39452 |
| 23 | ng-report-request-step-stream-response | 0.029255999999999997 | 0.01353 | 26.697339 | 39451 |
| 24 | ng-report-transform-response-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.SendOtoroshiHeadersBack | 0.028729 | 0.014212 | 1.594099 | 39451 |
| 25 | ng-report-request-step-call-before-request-callbacks | 0.015792 | 0.004939 | 0.426241 | 39452 |
| 26 | ng-report-request-step-rendering-intermediate-result | 0.006803999999999999 | 0.006803999999999999 | 0.006803999999999999 | 1 |
| 27 | ng-report-request-step-call-pre-route-plugins | 0.006676 | 0.0033959999999999997 | 0.381657 | 39452 |
| 28 | ng-report-transform-request-plugin-cp:otoroshi.next.plugins.ApikeyCalls | 0.00378 | 0.001735 | 0.546391 | 39452 |
| 29 | ng-report-request-step-tenant-check | 0.003374 | 0.000824 | 0.142644 | 39452 |
| 30 | ng-report-request-step-check-global-maintenance | 0.002202 | 0.000785 | 0.085701 | 39452 |
| 31 | ng-report-request-step-extract-tracking-id | 0.000543 | 0.000472 | 0.03998 | 39452 |
| 32 | ng-report-request-step-request-success | 0 | 0 | 0 | 39452 |