
Redux middleware to throttle your actions

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Redux middleware to throttle your actions

npm install --save redux-throttle


import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from "redux";
import throttle from "redux-throttle";
import reducers from "./reducers";

const defaultWait = 300
const defaultThrottleOption = { // https://lodash.com/docs#throttle
  leading: true,
  trailing: true

const middleware = throttle(defaultWait, defaultThrottleOption);
const store = applyMiddleware(middleware)(createStore)(reducers);

Then you just have to dispatch actions with the meta throttle:

  type: 'ACTION_TYPE',
  meta: {
    throttle: true

  type: 'ACTION_TYPE_2',
  meta: {
    throttle: 300 // wait time

  type: 'ACTION_TYPE_3',
  meta: {
    throttle: {
      wait: 300,
      leading: false

There are 2 special actions exported by the library:

import {CANCEL, FLUSH} from "redux-throttle";

  type: CANCEL,
  payload: {
    type: 'ACTION_TYPE'

  type: FLUSH,
  payload: {
    type: ['ACTION_TYPE_2', 'ACTION_TYPE_3']

dispatch({ // will flush everything
  type: FLUSH

Both of them can be used to respectively cancel or flush a throttled action.
