Tiny Typescript Boilerplate

This tiny project is just another Typescript boilerplate :)

This Typescript boilerplate will allow you to create node project with :

  • Hot reloading and hot test reloading (with nodemon)
  • mocha / chai tests (with... mocha and chai)
  • code coverage (with nyc)


  1. Get Node (and NPM/YARN)
  2. Clone the repo
  3. npm install / yarn install


  • npm run serve -> To hot reload the code and tests
  • npm run build -> To compile typescript code to js one (generated code will be created in dist/ folder)
  • npm run start -> To run your code (You have to build it first !)
  • npm run clean -> To delete the dist/ folder
  • npm run test_unit -> To run your unit tests
  • npm run test_coverage -> To run your unit tests and generate a code coverage report !
  • npm run test_unit_silent -> To run your unit tests (silent mode !)


MIT Licenced, have fun !