
Initiate a swarm cluster with Docker 1.12 in AWS

Primary LanguageShell

Create Swarm Cluster in AWS with Docker 1.12

The script allows to initiate a swarm cluster in Amazon Web Services with Docker 1.12. The script gives you at the end a cluster with one manager and two workers


The following components have to be installed on the server and available in the PATH

Docker-engine : 1.12
Docker-machine : 0.8

You need to export theses variable to able docker-machine to launch ec2 instances

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={your access key id}
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= {your secret key}
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= { the default aws region, exemple eu-west-1}

You can also add theses variables in order to specify the VPC, Security Group and AZ to place your instances

export AWS_VPC_ID= {vpc-*}
export AWS_ZONE= {a or b or ...}
export AWS_SECURITY_GROUP= {sg-*}

Launch script

To launch the script :

bash init_cluster.sh
eval $(docker-machine env swarm-master);

Interact with your cluster

All docker commands are available, for example :

docker node ls
docker service ls

Destroy the cluster

docker-machine rm swarm-master swarm-node-2 swarm-node-1 -y