Update modes on K8S


  • kubectl must be setup and target to a K8S cluster
  • helm must be installed and initialized (helm init in most cases)
  • docker should be installed and accessible

Install requirements

make requirements

it will install the app namespace (if wanted) and install traefik on this server

deploy Rolling Update

Infrastructure deployment

make create_rolling_update

Update to Green

make update_rolling_update_to_green

Update to Blue

make update_rolling_update_to_blue

Delete rolling update

make delete_rolling_update

deploy Blue Green

Infrastructure deployment

make create_blue_green

Update to Green

make update_blue_green_to_green

Update to Blue

make update_blue_green_to_blue

Delete Blue Green

make delete_blue_green

deploy Canary Release

Infrastructure deployment

make create_canary_release

By default the deployment target 100% of requests to Blue Service. In order to update this percentage, the follwing command needs to be applied. In this example 20% on green 80% on blue

make update_canary_release_configuration green=20 blue=80

Delete Canary Release Infrastructure

make delete_canary_release