This repository contains the data-analysis work and the evaluation of the experiments for the advanced mandatory physics lab course for physics students (FP) I am currently attending at Heidelberg University in 2018/2019 with my lab partner MajestyQ. Most of the evaluation is done using Python 3 or Wolfram Mathematica. Typesetting is done in LaTeX.
The advanced lab course covered the following experiments:
- F29: Atomic Force Microscopy - Rasterkraftmikroskop (10./11.09.2018)
- F30/31: Stellar CCD Photometry in modern astronomy - Stellare CCD-Photometrie (27./28.08.2018)
- F61/62 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Kernresonanzspektroskopie (21./22.08.2018)
- F44 Zeeman spectroscopy - Zeeman-Spektroskopie (05./07.06.2019)
- F70/71: Mechanics and vacuum technology - Mechanik und Vakuum (03./04.09.2018)
- F75/76: Computer and Data Processing - Computer und Datenverarbeitung (18./19.03.2019)
- F82/83: Coincidence spectrometer - Koinzidenzspektrometer (05./06./07./08.11.2018)
- F91/92: Analysis of the Z-boson with ATLAS at the LHC - Analyse des Z-Bosons mit ATLAS am LHC (04./05.03.2019)
© Mathieu Kaltschmidt (@mathieukaltschmidt) und Quirinus Schwarzenböck (@MajestyQ)