- 1
Phoenix LiveView form does not show errors on `polymorphic_embeds_many` fields
#113 opened by anjou-low - 0
Release version compatible with LV 1.0
#117 opened by a3kov - 10
- 0
- 13
Identify type by a field of the parent schema
#100 opened by rubynho - 0
Schema validation errors on polymorphic embeddings are too vague and do not align with Ecto's `embeds_*`
#112 opened by bvobart - 2
(KeyError) key :array? not found in v5
#111 opened by woylie - 1
Ecto "Parametrized" breaking change
#110 opened by ice-cap0 - 0
Ecto 3.12 breaks it for enum fields
#108 opened by thiagogsr - 0
- 5
Unable to use it with ex_machina?
#57 opened by x-ji - 1
- 2
- 25
- 7
Create a separate package for view-related code
#101 opened by mathieuprog - 10
- 5
Cannot infer the polymorphic type as the list of embeds may contain multiple types
#98 opened by SteffenDE - 5
- 7
Polymorphic embeds are not kept as changesets but are turned into structs - as opposed to what happens with ordinary embeds
#74 opened by maxmarcon - 4
- 1
PolymorphicEmbed.HTML.Form.polymorphic_embed_inputs_for doesn't add arrray index to input field's name for a list of embeds
#75 opened by maxmarcon - 1
- 2
Error occured when using with mongodb_ecto
#82 opened by 5HARK - 2
traverse_errors/2 doesn't seem to work when run on a top-level schema which has_many children schemas that have polymorphic embeds
#72 opened by x-ji - 1
`polymorphic_embeds_many` seems unfinished.
#89 opened by hickscorp - 3
Plans for this Library
#87 opened by Miradorn - 0
- 4
PolymorphicEmbed.HTML.Form.get_polymorphic_type doesn't respect `type_field` option
#63 opened by omginbd - 0
to_form/5 does not respect custom field type
#67 opened by woylie - 2
support Phoenix.HTML 4.0
#91 opened by woylie - 3
How is one supposed to display the polymorphic embed fields in a form if the schema is empty?
#73 opened by maxmarcon - 1
[Advice] Using this library with insert_all
#84 opened by coladarci - 1
Hybrid matching strategy
#79 opened by a3kov - 0
tests and examples for array fields
#70 opened by woylie - 1
CI pipeline
#69 opened by woylie - 5
Add support to `traverse_errors`
#38 opened by vtm9 - 1
- 4
How to define the tables/migrations?
#62 opened by cvkmohan - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
Trying to get a list of types for a field
#56 opened by carlotm - 0
Does not dump correctly with ecto_sqlite3
#53 opened by joshuataylor - 1
- 3
- 4
- 24
non validation type
#46 opened by danil-chibrikov - 2
Sourcing type from other column
#45 opened by sb8244 - 7
Can't load embed with ecto_sqlite3 adapter
#39 opened by rupurt - 1
No changelog, lots of churn
#42 opened by doughsay