
MIDI to FoxDot code conversion script

Primary LanguagePython


Small script to convert midi files into FoxDot code (A python live coding framework) to generate covers through python commands.

You can see a demo on this youtube video:



  • python
  • music21 python library (Try something like: pip install music21)


It is used running the main script midi2code.py it takes an input midi file and converts that into a text file that can be used inside FoxDot the python live coding framework.

Usage example

python midi2code.py INPUT_MIDI

python midi2code.py midis/bad_guy.mid

The generated code divides the song into pieces with a duration of 8 beats in order to make it easier to modify and read the code. You can change the variables notePerCompass and nCompass at midi2code.py to change the duration of each part (8 beats by default) and the number of parts extracted from the song (30 by default).