
Here is my TIL. A quick note of what i've learned/discovered today about this beautiful coding universe.

Today I Learn

Here is my TIL. A quick note of what i've learned/discovered today about this beautiful coding universe. Working on digital projects, and overall, learning code and programmation, have taught me one very important thing : you need to keep learning. Always. Everytime. Everyday. And it's good, i feel great when i experience something new.

Here is my discoveries track

week 1 | april 20

to go further


week 2 | april 20

Most interesting articles of the day

week 3 | june 20

  • WP : discovery and implementation of get_terms function ![implementation get_terms ](/get_terms function.png)

  • WP : discovery and implementation of WP_QUERY implementation WP_QUERY

week 1 | july 20

  • i was struggling with a string, function addslashes didn't do the job. I discovered this function htmlspecialchars : worked perfectly well implementation functionnal code

week 2 | july 20

  • release WP new version : 5.5 with plenty new cool features (wondering if page builder are still an interesting option after that new release) via Wordpress.org

week 1 | september 20

  • Definition and Working principles of a compiler

week 4 | june 2021

  • Learning Clean Code from Robert C.Martin at the moment. Wanted to know more about coding rules and conventions to prepare a course for my students. Read this Wikipedia article and discovered PHP CodeSniffer. Definitely will give a try on my next php project.
  • programming style with Yoda conditions

to go further

[GitHub Action] (https://les-enovateurs.com/github-actions-construire-tester-et-deployer-sans-effort-ci-cd/)

note : to explore later (Design Patterns)

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