GISTYLE is a Web-GIS created for a course at NTNU (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology), called Programming in Geomatics. The main goal of the project was to create a GIS that contains basic geospatial analysis, and it should be easy to use, also for those without any experience with GIS from before.
The application is built with the Mean-stack. This means that I've used MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js.
For most of the geospatial analysis the Mapbox library Turf.js is used. The interactive map is created by using Leaflet.js.
The GIS has log-in functionality, you can create projects and all changes are saved automatically to your user.
- Buffer
- Merge
- Intersection (Between polygons)
- Within (Points/Polygons within polygons)
- Difference
- Upload new layer (GeoJSON)
- Draw new layer (Polygon)
- Edit styling of layer
The project was presented at FOSS4G in Norway 2016, and the presentation can be seen in this video, from time 6:40.