Python recon tool for Github information disclosure research
$ git clone
$ cd GitDiscloser
$ python3
$ pip3 install pygithub
Search: ./ [-h] [-s "github search"] [-f wordlist] [-l limit] [-u] [-n] [-c]
Profiling: ./ [-h] [-r repository link |-p username]
Advanced: ./ [-h] [-a user/repository] [-f wordlist] [-l limit]
-h Show this help message
-s search request
-u search for urls in code
-f find word matches with a wordlist
-n sort by the more recently indexed
-l limit (limit of results wanted)
-c profile information for each result
-r profile information by repository link
-p profile information by username
Advanced (commits scan):
-a repository (mathis/GitDiscloser)
-f find word matches in commits with a wordlist
Simply put your github token in your environment variables as 'GITHUB_TOKEN'.
In your Github account, clic on your profile in the top right of the page.
Then go to settings > Developer settings > personal access tokens > Generate a new token.
Give a name to your token, select only the public_repo access and clic on "Generate token".
You can now copy your token and paste it in your environment variables.
You search for information disclosure on a target website/domain (, so you can use GitDiscloser like this:
./ -s -f <wordlist> -n
or if you want to use dorks:
./ -s "<dork>" -f <wordlist> -n
this command will make a github search on all recently shared file ("-n") and will search for all keywords of your wordlist in it ("-f").
If the tool find interesting results, you maybe want to know more about the author of the file. So you can use the profiling option of GitDiscloser to get profile information about it and then see his/her firstname and the company where he/she work. (if company is not written in his/her github account, you can check his/her firstname on Linkedin to check it).
GitDiscloser response:
Possible secret(s) found in file:
[+] token
Check if mathis2001 work at
./gitdiscloser -r or -p mathis2001
you can also profile each results with the '-c' option.
If your target work at the target company, you can now check for (potentially other) information disclosure in his/her other codes thanks to the "user:" dork Exemple:
./gitdiscloser -s "user:<username>" -f <wordlist> -n
To go deeper, GitDiscloser is also able to check for secrets in commits.
./gitdiscloser -a mathis2001/GitDiscloser -f <wordlist>
- fix bugs
- Add an output file option (you can use "| tee -a" to get an output anyway")
- Secondary rate-limit restriction when making a query with to many responses.