This script has the purpose to facilitate practical Proof-of-Concept when testing Task Hijacking vulnerability on Android apps. It permits to turn an harmless APK into a malicious APK able to exploit the following specific Task Hijacking security issues:
(1) when the victim APK is configured with an activity having the "launchMode" flag set to "singleTask" mode, or the APK presents an activity that is started using Intent configured with the flag "FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"
(2) when the victim APK is configured with an activity having the flag "allowTaskReparenting" set to "true"
(3) when the victim APK presents a main activity configured without any of the possible Task Hijacking fixes. This is because in Android the main activity at startup behaves as if it has an Intent configured with the flag "FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"
(4) when the malicious APK is configured with an activity having both the flag "allowTaskReparenting" set to "true" and the flag "taskAffinity" set to the victim package value (or to a target custom taskAffinity declared in the victim APK). It is to note that this issue is related to an unsafe feature of Android OS, then the exploit works against any victim APK.
Optionally, the script allows to set a custom background image on the attacker APK in order to mask it (e.g. using the home screen of the victim APK) on device's screen during the Task Hijacking PoC attack.
Task Hijacking remediation alternatives:
- Set/add the attribute "taskAffinity" to empty string value on Android-Manifest for the vulnerable activity.
- Set/add the attribute "taskAffinity" to empty string value on the "application" tag of the Android-Manifest, in case the vulnerable activity has no "taskAffinity" attribute and you do not want to add one.
- Set/add the flag "launchMode" to "singleInstance" on Android-Manifest for the vulnerable activity.
- Implement a custom "onBackPressed()" function to override the default behaviour with a safe one.
In order to patch the attacker APK it is needed to use a keystore to re-sign it. In addition the following tools are necessary:
- apktool
- zipalign
- apksigner
In order to run the taskHijacker script it is needed at least to specify an exploitation mode ('--misconfig_task'/'-m' or '--cuckoo_task'/'-c'), the victim app package-name (or the target custom taskAffinity), and the path where is located your harmless APK to turn into a malicious APK. In particular, regarding the exploitation modes:
- '--misconfig_task|-m' allows to exploit the Task Hijacing issues (1), (2) and (3)
- '--cuckoo_task|-c' allows to exploit the Task Hijacking issue (4)
The following '--help|-h' output provides a more exhaustive explaination:
python3 -h
usage: taskHijacker [-h] [-m PACKAGE_NAME] [-c PACKAGE_NAME] [-e EVIL_ACTIVITY] [-i IMG_BG] [-d DIR_BG]
-a APK [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m PACKAGE_NAME, --misconfig_task PACKAGE_NAME
Specify the package-name (or the target custom taskAffinity) of the victim APK
to exploit victim APK task misconfigurations. It modifies only the the
'taskAffinity' flag into the attacker APK
Specify the package-name (or the target custom taskAffinity) of the victim APK
to exploit an unsafe Android OS feature. It modifies both the 'taskAffinity' and
'allowTaskReparenting' flags into the attacker APK
Specify the activity-name of the attacker APK used to perform the Task
Hijacking attack (default is the main activity)
-i IMG_BG, --img_bg IMG_BG
Specify the fullpath of the image file to set as background on the attacker APK
-d DIR_BG, --dir_bg DIR_BG
Specify the location where put the background image into the attacker APK. It
should be a relative path within 'res/' folder (default is 'res/drawable/')
-a APK, --apk APK Specify the fullpath of the APK to turn into the attacker APK. The new attacker
APK will be generated on the same location
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
Additional note: a keystore is needed in order to re-sign the patched attacker APK
Some examples below.
Launch taskHijacker using 'misconfig_task' exploitation mode, to turn the activity 'BadActivity' of 'your_harmless.apk' into a malicious activity able to exploit Task Hijacking issues (1) and (2) against the specified victim app ''.
python3 -m -e -a /tmp/your_harmless.apk
Launch taskHijacker using 'cuckoo_task' exploitation mode, to turn the main activity (default) of 'your_harmless.apk' into a malicious activity able to exploit Task Hijacking issue (3) against the specified victim app ''.
python3 -c -a /tmp/your_harmless.apk
Launch taskHijacker with 'misconfig_task' exploitation mode, to turn the activity 'UglyActivity' of 'your_harmless.apk' into a malicious activity able to exploit Task Hijacking issues (1) and (2). And adopt the 'victim_screen.png' as background in the attacker APK on the folder 'res/drawable/' (default).
python3 -m -e UglyActivity -i /tmp/victim_screen.png -a /tmp/your_harmless.apk
Note that during the re-signing of the attacker APK, the script will ask you to provide the following information about the keystore to use:
- Keystore full-path
- Keystore password
- Keystore alias
Below an example of the script prompt filled with some keystore data:
[+] Starting the APK signing procedure, in order to continue a keystore is needed...
>>> Enter your keystore fullpath: /home/user/Downloads/objection-master/objection/utils/assets/objection.jks
>>> Enter your keystore password: XXXXXXXX
>>> Enter your keystore alias: objection
In the Release section there is an auxiliary harmful APK that can be used to generate a PoC APK with this tool.
taskHijacker was developed by Maurizio Siddu
Copyright (c) 2024 taskHijacker
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.