The project is based on best practices from the community, other github Angular projects and developer experience from production Angular projects.
- abhiman24
- albelko
- alecigne@Zenika
- aszwajkowski
- atesogluAmsterdam, Netherlands
- brenosoLavras
- CarlosMarcelCosta Rica
- efriandika@jpmorganchase
- ericschnSt. Louis
- fen89nützliche.IT
- jacobbp25
- jsunier@vnvsa
- Karvel@crexi-dev
- kevinah95@microsoft
- lakebranchHögskolan Dalarna
- lexeek
- lordninoFabrica Creative Studio
- lppeddHCLTech
- luchox25Grability
- macelocostaQuixadá, Ceará, Brasil
- mittcoats@angeltimeline
- namnh68
- oliveiragFlorianópolis, Brazil
- paiva9@stone-payments
- plechi@prewave
- rajaramttHyderabad, India
- renanlqBanco Votorantim
- royrakeshNewfold Digital
- rsparrowGoodland Tech
- SeppahBaws@Edu-Tech-Group
- shahbaazDurham, NC
- shahnawazkSK CodeWorks
- thigrand
- Y-TarasUkraine, Ivano-Frankivsk
- yash3492India
- zmrfznNew Relic