
A simple tool written in C to detect changes in USB devices, and optionally execute a command when a change is detected

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A simple tool written in C to detect changes in USB devices, and optionally execute a command when a change is detected.

This is designed to be used in scripts or other applications, or running as a daemon with the watch command.

You may alternatively use udev rules to monitor USB events, but this tool is more lightweight and easier to use.

If your goal is to mitigate the risk of USB-based attacks, consider using usbguard, which allows you to define policies for USB devices.


Download the latest release from the releases page and extract the binary to a directory in your PATH.

-- OR --

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/mathiscode/usb-see.git
cd usb-see

make && make install-user
# or
make && sudo make install-system

which usb-see # should show the path to the installed binary

To uninstall, run make uninstall-user or sudo make uninstall-system in the usb-see repository, or simply delete the usb-see binary.




  • --file or -f - Path to the USB state file. Default: ~/.config/usb.state
  • --exec or -e - Command to execute when a change is detected. Default: false
    • The command may contain the following placeholders:
      • _USB_ - The USB device line from lsusb
      • _ACTION_ - The action that occurred (added or removed)


  • freeze - Freeze the current USB state to the state file
  • scan - Scan for any added or removed USB devices
  • watch - Watch for changes in USB devices and execute a command when a change is detected


  • Freeze the current USB state to the default state file and scan for changes

    usb-see freeze
    usb-see scan
  • Freeze the current USB state to a custom state file

    usb-see --file /tmp/usb.state freeze
  • Watch for changes in USB devices and execute a command when a change is detected

    usb-see --exec 'echo "_USB_ was _ACTION_"' watch

Scan Exit Codes

  • 0: Success; no changes detected
  • 1: Device added
  • 2: Device removed
  • 255: An error occurred, most likely file access