Technische Universitaet Berlin
Lehrstuhl fuer Kommunikationsnetze

Praktikum Kommunikationsnetze
Block D - Chattool

Mathis Schmieder - 316110
Konstantin Koslowski - 316955

1. Compiling
- You need the ncurses headers installed in order to compile this tool
  On a recent Ubuntu, this would be libncurses5-dev
- Compile with a simple make, or make debug if you want a lot of debugging output

2. Running
By default, tknchat uses eth0 as it's main unicast interface. If you want to
change that, run the program with the argument -i ethX.
To display a help output, run it with the argument -h.

3. Runtime Commands
- /who displays all currently connected members
- /quit quits the chat
- /help displays all available commands