The Code for ICME2019 Grand Challenge: Short Video Understanding (Single Model Ranks 6th)

Primary LanguagePython

Short Video Understanding Challenge

Introduction of ICME2019 Grand Challenge refers to https://biendata.com/competition/icmechallenge2019/

More detail coming soon!

1. Requirement

  • scikit-learn

  • tqdm

  • pandas

  • numpy

  • scipy

  • tensorFlow=1.12.0 (≥1.4 and ≠1.5 or 1.6)

  • 128G memory and 1 GPU

2. Download Dataset

cd data
bash download.sh
cd ..

3. Preprocess data

python preprocess.py

4. Extract features

python extract_features.py

5.Convert format of data

python convert_format.py

6. Train the model

python run.py