
Solving the Eddy Current problem with a multiplicative Schwarz smoothed geometric multigrid preconditioned GMRES solver in deal.II.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


1. Overview

This code belongs to my bachelor's thesis and it uses deal.ii to solve the Eddy Current problem.

2. Installation

Clone this repository, install cmake and a version of deal.ii which contains my merged Pull Request.

3. Change deal.II path

Change DEAL_II_DIR in CMakeLists.txt to your path to the deal.ii library.

4. Run

Navigate to this local GitHub repository in your terminal and execute

make clean;rm -r CMakeFiles/;cmake .;make release;make -j 8;./EddyCurrent

5. OPTIONAL: Visualization

The file solution.vtu can be visualized with ParaView.