A small script to read from libinput-debug-events and trigger key commands depending on recognized gestures.
- agroverPortland, OR
- ah-London
- Arjentix@soramitsu
- Arksine
- avol-ioEngineering Ingegneria Informatica SPA
- borpakOEL
- BrighBrigh
- burningTyger
- collectrobot
- dasbaumwolltierAustria
- dtext@inovex
- fnxwebUK
- FossPrimevBlip
- guillaume971Paradigme Mode
- hcisilio
- hellpe
- HermitterNotable Growth
- HexhuAS25
- hrandib
- juanfgs
- LeoKesler
- manueljimenezs
- mfhbam
- MichaelLawtonAuckland, New Zealand
- MobileAZNBoise, ID
- MostHated
- n5qUniversity of Alberta
- nicfontaineAxion Ray
- Nick-Kom
- ninlith
- Outpox@pulsardev
- ruathudo
- saied89Kiliaro
- twaughRed Hat
- tx2z
- vnysEquinor