
tomorse converts text to Morse code

Primary LanguageC

1.  What does tomorse do?

"tomorse" outputs CD-quality audio containing the International Morse
Code equivalent of input text. The project also includes support
scripts which can be used to generate practice files. It runs on all
known Unixes and also under Cygwin.

2.  What is included in this release?

This release includes the following files:

tomorse.c -- a C program that generates Morse code from text
newkoch.pl -- a Perl script that builds Koch method practice files 
morse-build -- a shell script to build Morse files
morse-install -- a shell script to install Morse files
makerss.py -- a Python script to build RSS feeds from installed Morse files
tovoice.c -- a C program that generates verbal spelling from text (BETA)

3.  What other software is required?

Libsndfile is required for the C programs.  Please see
http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ for more information.

PyRSS2Gen is required for the Python script.  Please see
http://www.salkescientific.com/Python/PyRSS2Gen.html for more

4.  How do I use tomorse?

Quick example:  echo cq | tomorse > cq.wav

tomorse takes command-line arguments to change pitch, character speed,
and word speed.  tomorse generates Farnsworth code with proper

Modify morse-build, morse-install, and makerss.py to reflect your local
environment, run them once or twice by hand to make sure they work,
then stick them in cron and you too can generate Koch practice files
every night complete with RSS feeds.

tovoice requires a set of voice files to be created, one for each
character in the charstr variable.  Stick those files in a directory,
use the command-line arguments to point at that directory, and you can
generate spoken versions of your Koch practice files suitable for
testing results.

5.  Where do I get help?

Your best bet is to contact jmt@twilley.org as he's the author of this
mess.  He no longer actively uses this code but he continues to
maintain it for those who need a small, simple method of generating
Morse code from text.