Pinned issues
- 2
floating group setVisible will crash
#665 opened by chhsgithub - 2
Docs / demos for vanilla js support
#689 opened by mrchantey - 2
CSS variable --dv-background-color is always black which breaks theming of Auxilliary Components
#716 opened by alhimik45 - 1
setConstraints no longer works
#717 opened by borglin - 1
- 4
- 0
`__dockview_internal_drag_event__` appearing in editor text after drag/drop of panel.
#726 opened by brochington - 0
- 5
Panel and Group default sizes and bounding dimensions
#640 opened by mathuo - 0
- 0
Loading of Splitview state from json adds extra div containers that break layout
#721 opened by alhimik45 - 0
Persistent unused panels (always keep alive)
#718 opened by p3yman - 0
Packages don't follow SemVer
#711 opened by trombipeti - 0
Dockview 1.18.0 Iteration Plan
#706 opened by mathuo - 4
Dockview 1.17.1 Iteration Plan [RELEASED]
#641 opened by mathuo - 2
- 0
Preserve group size when moving groups (continued)
#708 opened by mathuo - 0
When loading stored layout having popout grooups, dockview doesn't respect the popoutUrl passed instead it defaults it to popout.html
#705 opened by JanakiramMaddanala - 1
Is there any plan to add accessibility support?
#700 opened by conglu-db - 0
#702 opened by mathuo - 0
Touch support for dragging dockview panels
#696 opened by armincerf - 0
- 0
- 3
Keep the panel content
#691 opened by ArgoZhang - 0
- 2
- 0
Offical support for Vanilla TypeScript
#651 opened by mathuo - 0
CSS class prefixing
#687 opened by mathuo - 1
- 2
- 2
- 2
renderer always causes floating group z-index bug
#656 opened by chhsgithub - 2
external dnd events for Vue component
#675 opened by agatta17 - 4
Nested views resize lag
#643 opened by vincentpalma - 0
After all the groups in the branch are hidden, Cannot keep the original size
#680 opened by zhaijunlei955 - 1
Floating panel documentation example not working
#677 opened by pchevilley - 3
- 0
maximize() does not take effect on a floating group
#674 opened by wzmwy-g - 0
Feature request: I want a collapsible group like the example (Visual Studio)
#664 opened by zhaijunlei955 - 0
vu3 inject/provides not propagated to panels
#672 opened by mathuo - 1
CSS ellipsis typo
#671 opened by mathuo - 0
- 2
After all the groups in the branch are hidden, the UI rendering is abnormal when calling fromJSON()
#657 opened by zhaijunlei955 - 0
Server Side Rendering of components in Nextjs
#659 opened by astronautfa - 0
Feature request: The position of the floating group can be dragged to any position in the browser viewport, now I can only drag in the current dockview
#658 opened by zhaijunlei955 - 3
- 0
layout force flag false prevents calls
#654 opened by mathuo - 0
[Released] Dockview 1.15.0 Iteration Plan
#637 opened by mathuo - 1
- 1
1.15 removed types that are still valid
#647 opened by armincerf