
Mywork's full-stack internship / Jr. Developer challenge

Primary LanguageRuby

mywork challenge

This project was made using Ruby on Rails v5.2.3 and Ruby 2.6.1. It's a simple Timetracker (registro de ponto) for Employees to register their times to work, and for Company Managers to create Geofences that restric the locations where employees can register the timetrack, and to see their information.

How to run it

Clone this repository with:
git clone git@github.com:mathvp/mywork-challenge.git

Enter the project folder:
cd mywork-challenge

Install all dependecies with:
bundle install

Run the Migrations with:
rails db:migrate

Start the server with:
rails s

Access http://localhost:3000 on your browser.

Runing the tests

To check all the tests, enter in the project folder and run:

Technical choices

  • Materialize
    I used Materialize framework for the UI because it has a nice looking from Material Design, saves lots of time with the utilities classes and it's mobile friendly. Also, it's easy to use (second time that I'm using it).

  • Vue.js
    To help me with js frontend part I choose the Vue.js, that turn more easy to interact between the Maps and Forms with two way data binding. I load it from CDN to keep simple, because config with Rails/Webpack/Vue will take too much time.

  • Leaflet
    For the maps I used Leaflet instead of Google Maps, simply because Google Maps wasn't work with free API. It was required to insert billing information. So I found the Leaflet and I really like the easy way to create the maps and add markers to it. And works good with Vuejs.

  • Rspec and Capybara
    The tests was made with Rspec and Capybara GEMs.

  • Rubocop
    To format the code with the ruby style, it was used the Rubocop


Geofence Screen

Geofence Screen