
A conscience plugin for Endless Sky. Right now it just makes so it so you don't need to drop a bomb on Zenith or capture a Korath war fleet to drive off the drones.


Endless Sky Conscience Plugin

This plugin is meant to allow you to complete Endless Sky story lines without doing things you have an ethical problem with. For now, it just makes it so you don't need to drop a bomb on Zenith and kill civilians.

If you'd rather grind then use a plugin, you can cap a bunch of Korath ships in Kor Ak'Mari and destroy the Sestor fleet that way.

If you take the Quarg ships anywhere other than the assigned planets and systems, they may or may not disappear.


  1. Download the plugin here: https://github.com/mathwhiz1212/A-Coalition-At-War/releases

  2. Put the zip file in your plugins folder:

Windows: %APPDATA%\endless-sky\plugins/

Mac: ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/endless-sky/plugins/

Linux: ~/.local/share/endless-sky/plugins/

  1. Decompress/"Unzip" the zip file.
  2. Start Endless Sky. You should be able to see "A Coalition at War" under Preferences > Plugins.
  3. If you have problems, open an issue.

Using the Plugin

Install the plugin before you get to Hevru Hai. If you're already past that mission, try landing on Hevru Hai anyway. It might still work.

Park any escort ships you don't want to lose in Hai space. Make sure you have a cloaking device on your flagship.

It's best if your flagship is better than what humans have (a Wanderer warship would do nicely), but as long as your shields can last till you run away, you'll be ok.

Destroy or capture the Sestor drones above Farpoint before you land.

After talking to Danforth, cloak and hide. Run away. If you're daring, come back and distract single Sestor ships on the edges. Cloak fast when needed.

Make sure to destroy or capture every last drone, until you get a message that starts with Against all odds...

Alnilam Mission

You'll get two Quarg ships to help you with this one too. Make sure to destroy or capture every Korath drone in the system. The game is more picky about this one, so if you go to Fairpoint and don't get the next mission, go back and destroy any disabled drones.

Then return to Fairpoint. You'll then be sent to Zenith. When you get to Zenith, land immediately. Don't let the cruisers get destroyed before you land on the planet.

That's it! You've successfully avoided committing mass murder!