Best practices for creating high-quality and user-friendly MATLAB toolboxes, including recommendations for file organization, testing, and releasing the toolbox.
- aforsytheAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences @ampas
- aitorjuanicorenaDonostia / San Sebastián
- alexander-hagerman-bose
- AndreyAPopovUniversity of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
- apjankeBrooklyn, NY
- cuixing158shenzhen
- denisfitz57
- dselvanWilliams F1
- duncanpo@MathWorks
- elswit@virginiatech
- ggrecowResearch Scientist
- gulley@MathWorks
- guruthree
- hlacherayQuanser Inc.
- imciner2Imperial College London
- mikecroucher@MathWorks
- Mikhil11Bengaluru
- minoue-xx@MathWorks
- mukeshangrakh
- NarasimhamaravaGE Digital
- neuromechanistUCSD, @sccn
- nothans@MathWorks
- nsdesaiNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- phflotSaarland University & htw saar
- QNjeasonRoboSim_Jeason
- rks@mathworks
- rl17Germany
- rpurser47@mathworks
- sco1Starfleet Command
- slevin48
- Steven-RobertsLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- t-evans23
- tohruk@MathWorks
- toshiakit@MathWorks
- vinaykrishna64Imperial College London
- wphtech