
Just an svelte testing app.

Primary LanguageSvelte


Just an testing repo for svelte.

This repo might feature changing code styles / bad practices.

This project is an attempt to clean spaghetti coded react-app fplmate.com
Also trying to boost SEO ratings + initial load times with sveltekits SSR.


Before the content can be displayed to the users initial data needs to be
fetched from /bootstrap-static. This fetch might slow down 1st render!

This is created to serve as an PWA - so it has an layout aimed for mobile.


Path Sub-path Description
/ Home page
/user Profile page
/user /{userId} Users profile page
/user /{userId}/event/{gw} Users roster of given gameweek
/fixtures Current/Latest fixtures
/fixtures /{gameweek} Gameweeks fixtures
/leagues Leagues page
/settings Settings page


SvelteKit uses an filesystem-based router. The structure is found under src/routes. Each route can have pages (.svelte) and endpoints (.json.js) under them.
Pages provide html markdown whilist endpoints provide data to the given page.

Example this project has an route: src/routes/user/[id]/[gameweek]
that matches urls: /user/1234/10 => (id=1234, gameweek=10)


To get things started - clone the repo and run these commands

npm install
npm run dev -- --open