
Cyber Fitness


This is a student group project done as a first big assigment, in wich join all the technologies learned at SoyHenry bootcamp.

Project Objetives

  • Build a JavaScript App from scratch
  • Afirm and conect all the learned concepts in the Carreer
  • Learn and practice GIT workflow / team work
  • Use scrum agile methodology

Stack of Technologies

Front End:

HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, React-Bootstrap, Redux

Back End:

Node.js, Express, Passport, Json web token authentication, Nodemailer, Sequelize.



Starting Instructions

IMPORTANT: Necesary version of node and NPM

  • Node: 12.18.3 or higher
  • NPM: 6.14.16 or higher


The boilerPlate has two folders: api and client.

Inside api you must have to create a file called: .env that has the following form:




You have to replace postgresuser and postgrespassword with your own credentials to connect to postgres database. This file will be ignored by github, as it contains sensitive information (the credentials).

The DB_KEY is a random security keyword, you can change or keep it.

The TWIT_ID and TWIT_SECRET info is important to keep it.


Connect the data base

  • Go to your postgres database manager and create a new database called development, this is the name of the database to which we will connect.

Install the necesary package to run it

  • Open the project console
    • Inside api folder, run the command line, npm install
    • Inside client folder, run the command line, npm install

Run the project

  • Open the project console
    • Inside api folder, run the command line, npm start

    • Inside client folder, run the command line, npm start (go to http://localhost:3000/)

For testing

  • You can find in api/index.js

    • conn.sync({ force: false }), switch it between " true " ( if you want reset database in each loaded ) or " false "( if you dont want reset database in each loaded )
  • You can use a testing admin user with login credentials:

    • username : admin@cyberfitness.com
    • password : masterpass

Project Screens

  • Landing-Page Landing-ecommerce

  • Register, we can do it using the ecommerce platform (by form) or authenticate with github, google or twitter. register

  • Welcome message when we get registered mail

  • Catalogue with products Catalogue-ecommerce

  • Products in detail Products-detail

  • Cart cart

  • Checkout. You can pay using paypal or with a debit/credit card Checkout

  • Profile profile

  • We can add reviews to the products that we had purchase add-review

  • After add a review we can see it in products-detail reviews-footer

  • There is an admin section where we have a CRUD of products, categories, orders and users. Admin-panel