Bootstrap application to start a new Front-End project using Bower and GruntJS
Set-up project
Install/upgrade Bower's last version: sudo npm install -g bower sudo npm update -g bower
Check Bower version: bower -version
Initialize Bower project bower init
Initialize NPM project npm init
Install GruntJS dependency npm install grunt --save-dev
Create GruntJS file Gruntfile.js
Installing npm dependencies
Install JSHint (to validate JS code) npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save
Install LessCss npm install grunt-contrib-less --save
Install RequireJS npm install grunt-contrib-requirejs --save
Install Connect Server npm install grunt-connect --save-dev
Install Watch Plugin to compile CSS every time a LESS file changes npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev
Installing Bower dependencies
Install RequireJS bower install requirejs --save
Install JQuery bower install jquery --save
Install UnderscoreJS bower install underscore --save