
Here is where the code for tracking animal position in MLA2 Experiment Lives

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This is the code used to record, track and analyze animal position for MLA2 experiment. To use this code in a new experiment, fork or download from the Github repository and start over with new data there.

Workflow outline

  1. Bonsai: Video_Acquisition.bonsai. Record behavior. Videos are saved on src/video folder.
  2. Update animal list in MLA_Animal_Video_Key.csv with the new video title. It is imperative that the order in which animals were run matches the rows. To make sure this is the case, the timestamps on the raw_videos column must be ascending.
  3. Bonsai: Go to the workflow for tracking, e.g, Bonsai_Workflow_MLA_2018-03-13T23_06_11
  4. Adjust parameters for HSV transform, areas, ...
  5. Run the tracking. Data will be saved on ./raw_data/raw_data folder.

Be careful! If you want to re-run already analyzed files, make sure you change the saving directory on Bonsai. This will prevent overwritting files. You are advised to make a back-up copy of the video folder.

  1. Save a new copy of the .bonsai with specific HSV parameters for record keeping.
  2. Create a duplicate of the data to further process. The script bonsai_parser_cleanUP.R will move raw data to ./data folder and create animal folders. This script needs the working directory to be ./src
  3. Move to MATLAB. Run the script workflow_track.m. This script needs the working directory to be: ./src
  4. Double check in MATLAB/R the plots for the traces. Many options here. You can do this directly in matlab using plot and the rloess_smooth object or in R using the ideas_plot.R script, which allows to run a single animal through the heatmap graphs. You can also use custom_2d_hist.R and filter by RatID.
  5. If correct, move on, else proceed to further smoothdata() or do manual corrections.
  6. Make a manual fix for rat.txt note of further smoothing in the folder that contains the final output (.src/data/RatID). Avoid using RatID or other information in the name of the manual note to prevent problems with the functions that match filenames to these values in the analysis code.
  7. Data analysis is done in R with distance_analysis.R and others.


This repository also contains a video annotator. It uses code in Annotator folder and a GUI to interphase MATLAB with VLC via ActiveX.

  1. Run AnnotateVideo.m
  2. You are requested to select an animal/video from the data in src/data and src/video and begin with the manual annotation of behavior.
  3. After annotation and closing the GUI you will be prompted to save the data.
  4. The annotator labels 1 every ~8 frames. Thus we have to fill the gaps using fill_annotator_gaps.m. This function is only suited for 1 video at a time. In order to make it work for all videos at the same time (quite better) we use calculate_behavior.m, which also gives us the latencies and durations.
  5. Behavior can be later analyzed in R with behaviors_from_ethogram.R

Optional >> Making a Raster Plot (Ethogram).
Watch out! Plotting the data with make_ethogram_plot.m needs gramm to be added to path.