
A roadmap for Boot.dev's CS curriculum for backend developers

Boot.dev's Backend Developer Learning Path

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This is a living roadmap for Boot.dev's free-to-audit computer science program for backend developers.

The Roadmap of Courses and Projects

  1. Learn Python (Python)
  2. Learn Object-Oriented Programming (Python)
  3. Build a Local Dev Environment (Python, Git, VS Code)
  4. Learn Algorithms (Python)
  5. Learn Data Structures (Python)
  6. Build a Maze Solver (Python)
  7. Personal Project 1 (Your choice)
  8. Learn JavaScript (JavaScript)
  9. Learn HTTP Clients (JavaScript)
  10. Build a Web Crawler (JavaScript, Node.js)
  11. Personal Project 2 (Your choice)
  12. Learn Go (Go)
  13. Build a Pokedex on the Command Line (Go)
  14. Learn Web Servers (Go)
  15. Learn SQL (SQL)
  16. Build a Social Media Backend (Go)
  17. Learn Docker (Docker CLI)
  18. Learn Web Services (Go)
  19. Capstone Project (Your choice)

Going Deeper

  • Learn Functional Programming (JavaScript, PureScript)
  • Learn Advanced Algorithms (Python)
  • Learn Cryptography (Go)
  • Learn Distributed Systems (Go)
  • Learn PubSub Architectures (Go)
  • Learn Computer Networking (Go)
  • Learn NoSQL Databases (???)
  • Learn Performance Engineering (Go)
  • Learn Kubernetes (Kubernetes)
  • Learn CI/CD (GitHub Actions)
  • Learn Infrastructure as Code (Terraform)
  • Learn Logging and Telemetry (Go)
  • Learn Clean Code (Go)
  • Learn Computer Architecture and Hardware (ARM)
  • Learn Discrete Math for Programmers (Go)
  • Learn Operating Systems (???)
  • Learn Compilers (Go)
  • Learn Computational Theory (???)
  • Learn Artificial Intelligence (Python)
  • Learn Machine Learning (Python)


You can read about our approach to learning here, but in a nutshell we believe:

  1. Coding is fun, don’t make it dull
  2. Computer science matters, degrees don’t
  3. You need to build
  4. You need to deploy
  5. It’s hard to find good resources, so cherish the ones you find
  6. Learning to code is a depth-first algorithm
  7. Learning to code is a marathon, not a sprint
  8. You should be uncomfortable, you'll learn faster if you're pushing yourself
  9. Get an on-site, full-time job for yhour first job if possible

Should I start learning even though the program is not "complete"?

Yes you should get started - this program will always be improving and never be "complete". This curriculum will never be "complete" in the same sense the YouTube will never be "complete" - there is new content all the time. We care deeply about the quality of this program and will always be improving and adding to it.

👏 Contribute

We love feedback on how we can improve the curriculum! The recommended way to help is to submit issues here on GitHub. If you just want to talk about some ideas, contact us directly using one of the methods below.

💬 Contact

If you would like to discuss the project feel free to contact us at Boot.dev. We're most responsive on Discord, but you can also find us on Twitter.