A* Pathfinding Challenge

I gave myself 4 hours to complete this challenge. The objective was to create a pathfinding algorithm that can find the shortest path between two points in a grid.


  • React
  • ESLint
  • TypeScript
  • StyledComponents

Thought Process

To be honest, I would not use React for this kind of challenge. I would just use a plain old HTML/CSS/JS with a Snowpack setup for the development environment and to build the static files for the production environment.

My first thought was to use the A* algorithm to find the shortest path. I've never coded it before, but I've used it and read about it's implementation. I considered using one of the available npm packages for this, but I decided to write my own.

Before working on the components, and knowing about the time limit, I decided to start by algorithm implementation. I used the Wikipedia article as my main reference, but I also used two videos I've watched before: Computerphile - A* (A Star) Search Algorithm and Daniel Shiffman - Coding Challenge 51.1: A* Pathfinding Algorithm. This implementation took most of the time I had to complete the challenge.

Once it was working, I started building the basic components. The main component is the App component, which holds the maze reference, the solution, and the solver. Once I was able to render a basic maze using numbers to represent the maze state (walls, open spaces, solution, and the start and end points), I started working on the UI elements: Maze, and Tile.

Finally, as I had some minutes left before writting this README, I decided to add a basic interaction with the maze. Every tile has a click event, which will toggle the tile's state between open and wall. This also triggers the solver to find the shortest path again.

Running the repo

Just do the old npm install and npm start.