This is a small set of tools to check the installation of requirements for the Nextcloud Face Recognition application.
Just clone the repository and run make
or make php-test
to ensure that pdlib work correctly.
[matias@nube ~]$ git clone
Clonando en 'pdlib-min-test-suite'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 9, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 0), reused 9 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Desempaquetando objetos: 100% (9/9), listo.
[matias@nube ~]$ cd pdlib-min-test-suite/
Run php test:
[matias@nube pdlib-min-test-suite]$ make php-test
php scripts/face_detect.php
Welcome to pdlib min test suite for Facerecognition app...
First we try to open the models... Done
Processing file: input/Big Bang Theory.jpg
Number of faces detected: 3
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Processing file: input/Big Bang Theory.png
Number of faces detected: 7
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
If you did not return any errors, your installation of pdlib is correct. 😃
Note: Some systems such as debian or ubuntu, separate the configuration of the modules for the command line and those used in the servers and this test is done on the command line configuration. If the test passes, but nextcloud still tells you that the pdlib extension is not installed, you must enable the extension for your server used.
If any error occurs on last test, you must first make sure that the installation of dlib work correctly.
[matias@nube pdlib-min-test-suite]$ make python-test
python3 scripts/
Welcome to pdlib min test suite for Facerecognition app
First we try to open the models... Done
Processing file: input/Big Bang Theory.jpg
Number of faces detected: 3
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Processing file: input/Big Bang Theory.png
Number of faces detected: 7
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
Face landmarks... Done
Face descriptor... Done
If this also fails, you must reinstall dlib until it works properly before proceeding with pdlib and the Facerecognition application.