
Module for simple, chainable object validation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

simple-validation Build Status

Simple, chainable object validation


npm install simple-validation

Run with --save to save directly to the package.json.

Example usage

Chain the validators together and append isValid() to return a boolean of the validation result.

var Valid = require('simple-validation');

var obj = {
	foo: 'bar',
	baz: ['hello', 'world']

var valid = Valid(obj).required(['foo'])
					  .has(['baz', 'bar'])
					  .values({ foo: 'string', baz: 'array'})

console.log(valid); // true

Browser support

The module has support for running in the browser. It has been tested in IE6=<, Firefox, Chrome and Opera (12, Blink). To use the module load the simple-validation.min.js file and use it as you would on the server.


To start validating an object pass the object in the initialiser:

var valid = Valid({ key: 'val' });

When the module is initialised you can start chaining the following functions.


Validates that the elements in the array are present as keys in the object.


Valid({ foo: true, bar: false }).required(['foo', 'bar']); // True


Checks that one or more of the elements in the array are present as keys in the object.


Valid({ foo: true, bar: false }).has(['foo', 'baz']); // True


Checks that only one of the elements in the passed array are present in the object.


Valid({ foo: true, bar: false }).hasOne(['foo', 'bar']); // False
Valid({ foo: true, bar: false }).hasOne(['foo', 'baz']); // True


Checks that the values of the object matches the schema type object passed in the function. The object should contain the key to check and its type as a string:

  key: 'string'|'number'|'boolean'|'array'|'object'

If the key does not exist in the object it is ignored.


Valid({ foo: true, bar: 'test' }).values({
  foo: 'boolean',
  bar: 'string'
}); // True


After preforming validations appending .isValid() will return a boolean with the results of the previous validations.


var valid = Valid({ foo: true, bar: false }).required(['foo', 'bar']).isValid();
console.log(valid); // true

Nested objects

The module has basic support for nested objects. All functions but .values have support for nested objects using a string with dot notation or an array.


var valid = Valid({
  foo: 'bar',
  nested: {
  	hello: 'you'

console.log(valid); // true
