
1 week challenge: Kanban board with web sockets + failure simulation

Primary LanguageJava

Task Manager Challenge

Basic Kanban board with web sockets + failure simulation to represent a task manager


Create a task manager with a simple UI.


  • Create tasks
  • Visualize tasks
  • Tasks can have 4 status:
    • FAILED

When a task is created, its status is WAITING_FOR_RUNNING. The tasks with this status can be manually run to change to the status RUNNING. If the task finishes correctly, its status will be COMPLETED, if there was an error, the status will be FAILED. Only the COMPLETED tasks can show their result (If the number is prime or not. Explained below).

All the tasks do the same: They receive a number and return if it is prime, then wait 1 minute. After this minute, it will be COMPLETED unless there is an error.

Force an error with probability = 0.2. This simulation is to get some tasks with status FAILED

Constraint: Maximum 3 tasks can run simultaneously.

Notes: The system doesn't need persistence.

Start backend

  • cd src/backend
  • mvn spring-boot:run (maven is required)

Runs on port 8080

Start frontend

  • cd src/frontend
  • npm install (node is required)
  • npm start

Runs on port 3000