
This is a bot that will listen for transactions over a set amount and auto transfer them to set wallet address.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is a bot that will listen for transactions over a set amount of ETH (you can set in the code) and auto transfer them to set wallet address.

Download zip and extract. Only file you have to run in terminal is bot.js after you set the below parameters.

Make sure you download all the packages using pip install.

This needs "pip install ethers"

This is the same bot that is being sold by @dummydu and on youtube @techaddict https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AkLogdCNMQ

You MUST know the privatekey of the wallet you want to drain.

You also must set up your own rpc-node with infura.

const { ethers } = require('ethers')

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/APIKEY") / #set up infura account and replace API with key for eth MAINNET.

const addressReceiver = 'Wallet Address To Transfer To' / # "0x8727309457340958734058734095' put wallet address that eth will be sent to in between ''

#put list of private keys below.

const privateKeys = [ "PrivateKey01", "PrivateKey02", "PrivateKey03", "PrivateKey04", "PrivateKey05" ]

const gasPrice = 70

you can watch this video for help.
